Issue #7
Character Sheet Update: Leveled up to 35. Saving my perk for level 70 smithing when I’ll be able to make glass armor & weapons.
Last Night: In a short play session, I had one fun moment when I was harvesting mammoth souls for enchanting…
I just picked up the Summon Frost Atronach and I thought it might be fun to sic one on a mammoth. Only, just after I summon it and start to charge in, I get attacked by a sabre cat.
No big deal.
But before I can even switch weapons, a dragon shows up!
It turned into fucking Royal Rumble in the giant’s camp. A dragon, 2 giants, 2 mammoths, a sabre cat, a frost atronach, my companion, and me all just going at it. Obviously, I came out on top. Hoists championship belt over head and lets out an old school Ric Flair “Woo!”
Next Time: Oh, hey, what’s this? An Elder Scroll?