Issue #9
Character Sheet Update: Made Irrelevant
Last Night: So, this one’s a doozy.
I accidentally discovered a bug (feature?) that transformed me from skilled mortal into an indestructible god, capable of rending in twain the fabric of space and time.
I was going to make some potions, to try to create the best armor I could, and enchant it with my newly discovered Fortify Carry Weight enchantment. Before I started, I accidentally drank a Fortify Restoration potion instead of a Fortify Alchemy one. Having never used one of those before (and not knowing exactly when my last save was) I just chalked it up as a loss, put on my Fortify Alchemy gear and jumped on the Alchemy station. I quickly noticed that all my potential potions seemed to be slightly stronger than they should have been. So I checked the menu for current effects on my character, and the Restoration potion was increasing the effectiveness of my gear. I checked, and the Restoration potion I could make now was stronger than the one I just drank, so I crafted it.
I wondered… I took off my gear, drank the Resto pot, put my gear back on, and, by The Eight, it magnified. Make another pot, doff the gear, drink the pot, don the gear. Yep, exponential increase again. I had enough ingredients to make 9 Resto Pots, increasing my Alchemy skill by over 2000%. At that point, I made a bunch of Fortify Enchantment potions (“this potion increases your Enchanting skill by 4514% for 30 seconds“), went to the enchanting station and created new gear for making potions AND gear for Smithing. I went to upgrade my new Glass Armor and its protection goes from 38 to 681. I may or may not have fallen out of my chair.
Obviously, I proceeded to upgrade ALL THE THINGS.
I basically unlocked God Mode, within the confines of the game, without using any cheat codes or console commands or anything.
I have infinity money (my armor is worth more money than I currently have), and my soul harvesting bow one-shotted the mammoths I was hunting.
OH! I nearly forgot the best part!
Remember how all this was in service of my goal to be able to carry more dungeon garbage? My carry capacity went from 510 to 4480.
And the best part of THAT is that the Increase Carry Weight enchantment can only be applied to two pieces of armor.
I still get to decide what enchantment to apply to my helmet and chest piece (and I haven’t even started on my new Dragonscale Armor set).
My Smithing skill is at 100 now. It was at 70 gained through traditional methods before God Mode happened. Apparently, when you increase the amount rating of a piece by 800%, the game gives you a lot of skill xp.
The *infinite money* mentioned above comes from being able to add value to easy-to-get gear. When I killed those mammoths, I looted their giants and pulled a glass mace and a dwarven axe. Upgraded both of them with a single ingot and they’re worth more than any shopkeeper would ever have in the game.
So, all I have to do is carry around a bunch of daggers or something, and I can buy anything I want from any shop.
“Hi, I’d like to trade this one small weapon for your entire inventory and all your cash, please”
Next Time: One-shot no scopes and leaping off mountains.