Issue #4
Character Sheet Update: made it to Level 32 (Smithing to level 50). Spent the perk on Scale Armor.
Last Night: Got my glitch sorted out by punching a guard, getting thrown in jail, and sleeping off my 40-septum bounty.
Then I spent some time smithing about 100 gold rings (thanks again, Transmute spell), which leveled up my smithing to 50, which in turn leveled up my character to 32. I spent the perk on being able to create and better improve scaled/plate armor. I organized some of my goods, moving my alchemy and enchanting ingredients to Proudspire in Solitude, and all my smithing components to Windhelm. After that I enchanted a set of improved smithing gear, then improved my new glass armor and bow to [exquisite], then discovered that if I enchanted it, I would lose the improvement.
Well, that pretty clearly sets my next goal. Obviously, I need to get the perk that allows me to enchant improved weapons and armor.
Wanting to level up while still focusing on improving smithing, but out of useful ore, I did what anyone would do: began exploring the Hearthfire DLC by purchasing a homestead. I tried figuring out the basic mechanics, and, upon failing, realized I was too tired and went to bed.
I just wrote “smithing” a LOT.
Next Time: Going after the Black Star, because I need an infinite repository into which I can siphon the souls of sentient creatures.