Issue #2
Character Sheet Update: I raised my Alchemy skill to level 60, which bumped me to level 30 overall.
Last Night: I had to do a quest before I could buy Proudspire Manor, which involved stopping a bunch of necromancers and their Draugr from performing a ritual to resurrect a daedric princess…? (At this point, I’m up for any quest that lets me siphon souls, which means killing basically anything that’s not “people,” so the added Draugr were a bonus.)
Got my house in Solitude… for free! Crafted too many potions to carry. Became Thane of Jarl Elisif of Solitude. Things are looking up!
(I remembered from way back that you used to be able to buy houses without paying for them, so long as you had cash on you to cover the cost. All you had to do is make sure you were close to any kind of container when you spoke to the Steward who was selling the house to you—a cabinet, dresser, chest, etc. Then, immediately after you select the conversation option to agree to purchase, you back out of the conversation and dump ALL your gold into the container. If you do it before the Steward finishes their line of dialogue granting you ownership, they’ll give you the house, but not take your septims. Just remember to grab your gold from that random underwear drawer before you go check out your new digs!)
I’ve got a bunch of quests around Solitude right now… Thieves Guild stuff, joined the Bards College, gotta break into a closed off wing in the Blue Palace. So, I’m glad to have a place to dump my stuff. Plus being in a city with 4 useful merchants is A+.
Next Time: Murdering a Courier